A hearty, nutrient-rich, delicious salad that last for days makes healthy eating a breeze. This colorful salad is loaded with fiber that will keep your gut healthy plus anti-oxidants for overall health. Get creative if you don’t have all of the ingredients and make it your own. Enjoy!
Having a big batch of roasted veggies on hand makes for easy, delicious, nutritious meals for several days.
Why do we reach for food, specifically high carb and often high fat foods, when we feel emotional? Because food provides a temporary escape, numbs the feelings, and provides something distracting and enjoyable.
Protein intake increases mental alertness for several hours after eating. This is because dietary protein increases levels of the brain neurotransmitters norepinephrine and dopamine which can make it easier to concentrate, learn, and complete complex tasks. A lack of dietary protein can be associated with decreased cognitive function.
A bedtime routine helps you wind down for a good night of sleep, and we can all agree sleep is vital to health and overall wellbeing. It can also help us use our daytime productive hours more effectively. Why, then, is it so hard for so many of us to implement and stick with a nightly bedtime routine?
Let’s face it: when you’ve got a lot of responsibilities to juggle and are prioritizing your own well being, making complex, time-consuming meals isn’t high on the list. However, eating a variety of tasty, healthy meals is appealing. So how do you make delicious, healthy meals when you don’t have a lot of time? The answer is to cook basic foods and dress them up with sauces and condiments. The goal is healthy, easy, quick, and just enough flavor to make it interesting.
Navigating executive function issues can be challenging and fraught with emotion. Frustration is common for everyone. Children often feel shame, isolation, and hopelessness. Parents often feel guilt, anxiety, and anger. These emotions are difficult for the child and the parent, and they can wreak havoc on the parent-child relationship thus compounding the problem. Being compassionate towards yourself is key. Being compassionate with your child will let him or her know they are not alone or misunderstood, give them the security and confidence to learn and evolve, and strengthen your relationship. From there, you will both be in a much better position to find and sustain solutions that work for both of you.
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