This yummy, hearty salad is packed with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber and makes for an easy side dish or a component of a quick meal in a bowl.


Broccoli, Kale, Brussels Sprouts Salad


Dr. Nina's Blog


Roasted Vegetable Recipe


Easy 7-Day Dinner Meal Plan  

Why do we reach for food, specifically high carb and often high fat foods, when we feel emotional? Because food provides a temporary escape, numbs the feelings, and provides something distracting and enjoyable.

featured story


Really, how are you?  Take a moment to breathe in and check in with yourself.  Breathe in.  And breathe out.   What’s the main emotion you’re feeling?  What thoughts do you have about yourself and your life these days?  What comes up when you allow yourself to really be in the moment? Tapping into a Feeling […]

How Are You?


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Being a Health Coach for Divorced Parents is a logical extension of the wellness, nutrition, and life & lifestyle coaching I’ve been doing since 2001 when I first became a certified life coach. Recently I’ve been working with more divorced parents who want to refuel their tank and create a happier and healthier next chapter for themselves and their children, and I want to embrace divorced parents and the related issues more fully. I enjoy more acceptance, joy, gratitude, and success in my life these days, and I’ve come to peace with issues of divorce that I was unable or not ready to address in the past. I’m eager and honored to help others get to their happy place without having to go through everything I went through to get here.

Health Coaching for Divorced Parents

Life Coaching

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Transitions are Exciting…and Can Feel Overwhelming Transitions can be exciting because we’re welcoming something new into our lives: a job change, kids going off to college, moving to a new city, a new relationship, or even a new season are common examples. Anticipation of the good things that will happen can feel energizing and fun.  […]

Single Parenting in Times of Transition


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friends on swings

Quality friendships and feeling connected to others is correlated with well-being. Here’s how to deepen your connection with others.

Deepening Friend Connections

Life Coaching

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Loving Your Body 

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