It’s official: I’m a health coach for divorced parents! It’s a logical extension of the wellness, nutrition, and life & lifestyle coaching I’ve been doing since 2001 when I first became a certified life coach. Recently I’ve been working with more divorced parents who want to refuel their tank and create a happier and healthier next chapter for themselves and their children, and I want to embrace divorced parents and the related issues more fully.
Deeper Dive as a Health Coach for Divorced Parents
Because health coaching for divorced parents is an area dear to me, I am officially taking a deeper dive into health coaching for divorced parents in my Dr. Nina MD endeavors. I continue to apply my medical background, expertise in nutrition, experience as a yoga instructor, and the wisdom I have acquired personally as well as with hundreds of clients in my work helping other divorced parents release guilt, take care of their health and wealth, enjoy parenting more, navigate their relationship with their ex, find time for exercise and relationships, and create the future they want.
Being a Divorced Parent is Challenging!
As a divorced parent since 2008 when my three kids were toddlers, I truly understand the challenges of single parenthood: work stress spilling over into parenting with no built-in back-up, juggling household and childcare logistics solo, addressing legal and financial issues, and no time for self care. On top of all of that are difficult emotions like guilt, grief, doubt, overwhelm, loneliness, anger, worry, and sadness just to name (more than) a few.
As a divorced parent, I often felt like a failure and an outsider in a world of married parent families and couples. I felt shame which led to negative self-talk (and hello to chips and ice cream.) And I overcompensated: I tried to be a super parent staying up until the wee hours of the night creating photo collages for school projects, hosting large gatherings in our home with other families so the kids would have a “normal” social life, and investing a lot of time in dating and socializing so I wouldn’t feel lonely.
The “Hidden” Challenges of Divorce
I knew being a single parent would be hard, but I didn’t anticipate how much of the difficulty would be related to low self esteem and not attending to my well being. Sadly, my stress and exhaustion manifested itself physically and that was the wake up call that thankfully led me to re-embrace life coaching and find my way to a much better place. You can read about my journey with life coaching here.
Take Control of What You Can
When we find ourselves in a challenging situation, accepting the past and present without blame and shame is not easy if we spend our energy wishing for a re-do, beating ourselves up for mistakes, or blaming people or circumstances over which we have no control. Health coaching helps break the cycle and find a new way. Taking control of your body, diet, calendar, finances, how you show up as a parent and in all of your relationships, and the decisions you make changes your life and sets the stage for the future you want.
Everyone Deserves To Be Happy
Health coaching for divorced parents is tailored to address the unique experiences and challenges a divorced parent faces. Everyone deserves to be happy no matter how you got to this place. Even if you got divorced. Even if you aren’t in the best of shape, Even if your finances aren’t great. Even if you don’t feel like a perfect parent.
Helping Other Divorced Parents Get To Their Happy Place
I enjoy more acceptance, joy, gratitude, and success in my life these days, and I’ve come to peace with issues of divorce that I was unable or not ready to address in the past. I’m eager and honored to help others get to their happy place without having to go through everything I went through to get here. It’s amazing what’s possible!
Drop me a line if you can relate and would like to share similar experiences of your own. I’m here to welcome you, or someone you know, who could benefit from health coaching: booking a free call is the first step. I look forward to hearing from you!
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